Free Audio Courses
25 New Free Audio Courses from UC-Berkeley
We're well into a new semester at the University of California-Berkeley, and for audio learning lovers that means a bunch of new courses to listen to. Webcast.berkeley has been podcasting courses for a number of years now and they now feature in their archive over 150 free unique courses to download. This semester they're featuring what looks like some of the best courses to date with 25 new free audio courses! Here's what's new this semester:
The American Immigrant Experience Podcast
Concepts of Probability Podcast
Contemporary Japanese Literature Podcast
Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases Podcast
Ethics and Public Health in an Age of Catastrophe Podcast
Genes, Cells, and Creatures Podcast
Global Health: A Multidisciplinary Examination Podcast
The History and Practice of Human Rights Podcast
History of Anthropological Thought Podcast
Introduction to Astrophysics Podcast
Introduction to Modern Japanese Literature and Culture Podcast
Introduction to Optical Engineering Podcast
Introduction to Visual Thinking Podcast
Longitudinal Data Analysis Podcast
The Nature of Mind Podcast
The Peculiar Modernity of Britain, 1848-2000 Podcast
Philosophy of Mind Podcast
Plant Molecular Genetics Podcast
Punishment, Culture, and Society Podcast
Sociology of Health and Medicine Podcast
Social Cognition Podcast
Special Topics in Biological Anthropology Podcast
Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data Podcast
Statistical Analysis of Continuous Outcome Data Podcast
Note: These new podcasts are in .m4a format and may require iTunes or Quicktime to play. Also the latest version of Quicktime seems to be preventing the files from playing through our embedded Quicktime player so you'll need to download the files or stream them through the UC-Berkeley site.
Enjoy these free lecture courses from the great University of California-Berkeley! Check out all UC-Berkeley college courses here:
Over 150 UC-Berkeley Podcasted Courses
8 New Courses from Modern Scholar
We've just added eight new lecture courses from the Modern Scholar series. This brings our number of Modern Scholar courses to a total of 120. If you've not downloaded one yet, the Modern Scholar courses are recorded lecture audio courses taught by university professors. Each course has 14 lectures with each lecture lasting approximately 35 minutes, and each course comes with a book-length course guide. You can browse all the courses along with over 20 free lectures to download here:
All Modern Scholar Courses
And here are the eight new courses to download. We're offering the first lecture of these courses for free as the audio sample:
Alexander of Macedonia: The World Conquered - Course taught by Robin Lane Fox on Alexander the Great which examines his true character and legacy.
The Brewmaster's Art - Entire course covering the history and present day practices of brewing beer taught by a university professor with more than 30 years' experience in the brewing industry.
Fueling the Planet: The Past, Present, and Future of Energy - Course covering the sources of energy we consume including fossil fuels, nuclear power, and alternative energy sources.
The Giants of French Literature: Balzac, Flaubert, Proust, and Camus - Course examines the lives and works of the premier French writers of the last two centuries.
Heaven in a Wild Flower: The British Romantic Poets - Professor Adam Potkay looks at the major British Romantic poets such as Wordsworth, Blake, Byron, Keats, and more.
The History of Venice - Modern Scholar superstar teacher Thomas F. Madden leads a course on the most beautiful city in the world and the many roles it has played throughout European history.
Myths & Mysteries in Archaeology - Professor Susan A. Johnston looks at archaeological mysteries throughout history such as Stonehenge, Atlantis, and other curiosities, examining them in a scholarly light.
Religion, Myth, and Magic: The Anthropology of Religion - Another course from anthropologist Susan Johnston which looks at the anthropology of religion covering rituals and ancient religious origins.
Enjoy these and many other courses from Modern Scholar.
Random New Downloads from Random House
At LearnOutLoud we've rapidly been adding new MP3 audio book downloads from the world's largest audio book publisher: Random House Audio. We now feature over 200 of their most popular audio books. You can check them all out here:
Browse Random House Audio Downloads
In this section we'll highlight some random titles that we haven't yet featured. Here are some random highlights:
Alice Cooper, Golf Monster by Alice Cooper
City of the Soul: A Walk in Rome by William Murray
The Downhill Lie: A Hacker's Return to a Ruinous Sport by Carl Hiaasen
For Love of Politics: Bill and Hillary Clinton by Sally Bedell Smith
Lost in My Own Backyard: A Walk in Yellowstone National Park by Tim Cahill
Love Is a Mix Tape by Rob Sheffield
Moyers on Democracy by Bill Moyers
Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain by Oliver Sacks
Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America by Kenneth Timmerman
The Pro: Lessons about Golf and Life from My Father, Claude Harmon, Sr. by Claude Harmon, Jr.
The Republican Noise Machine by David Brock
The Thirteen American Arguments by Howard Fineman
The Three Big Questions for a Frantic Family by Patrick Lencioni
Too Far from Home: A Story of Life and Death in Space by Chris Jones
Too Fat to Fish by Artie Lange
The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes - And Why by Amanda Ripley
Who Let the Dogs In?: Incredible Political Animals I Have Known by Molly Ivins
The Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort
You're Wearing That?: Understanding Mothers and Daughters in Conversation by Deborah Tannen
We've got 100s more coming next week from deep within the archives of Random House Audio!