

Educational Podcasts

Educational Podcasts

LearnOutLoud a Featured Provider on iTunes

Thanks to our podcast subscribers for helping make LearnOutLoud.com a featured podcast provider on iTunes. Since we began launching podcasts a year ago, it is clear that podcast listeners are hungry for podcasts they can learn from.

We hope to launch many more educational podcasts for you in the coming months. Please let us know if you have any good ideas for educational podcasts we can do by emailing us at: suggestions@learnoutloud.com. You can check out all of our current podcasts here:

All LearnOutLoud.com's Podcasts

LearnOutLoud.com's Podcast Room on iTunes (Doesn't have our latest three podcasts yet)

The latest podcast that we launched this week coincides with our free audio book of the month Great American Presidents, and we call this podcast the:

U.S. Presidents Podcast

With this new podcast we plan to feature a biographical portrait of each of the forty-three U.S. Presidents throughout American history, along with other presidential audio offerings.

We've launched this podcast one year before the United States presidential election of 2008, and we hope to cover all of the U.S. Presidents between now and election day on November 4, 2008.

Currently we feature the biographies of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Please feel free to listen, download, and subscribe to our newest podcast:

U.S. Presidents Podcast on LearnOutLoud.com

Subscribe to the U.S. Presidents Podcast on iTunes

Also here's some recent highlights from our other podcasts:

  • Personal Growth Podcast - Podcast from the bestselling audio book The Secret.
  • Wealth Wisdom Podcast - Think & Grow Rich podcasted! A rich excerpt from Napoleon Hill's wealth classic Think & Grow Rich.
  • Lit Summary Podcast - Featuring audio summaries of the classic books Frankenstein, Robinson Crusoe, and Pride and Prejudice.

    Thanksgiving Free Download

    The holidays are approaching. In the United States, Thanksgiving typically brings to mind images of Pilgrims and Indians, turkeys and of course Plymouth Rock.

    LearnOutLoud.com is featuring a free Thanksgiving download available exclusively on our site. Daniel Webster's Plymouth Oration is a speech delivered by the American statesmen on the 200th Anniversary of the founding of Plymouth, Massachusetts. You can download this speech for free by clicking the link below:

    Daniel Webster's Plymouth Oration

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    Do you have products or services that you think would appeal to the LearnOutLoud.com audience? Want to reach thousands of lifelong learners?

    LearnOutLoud.com is currently the Internet's primary destination for educational and personal growth audio, with hundreds of thousands of unique vistors per month and over 1 million page views per month.

    Each month we send out hundreds of thousands of emails to our newsletter subscribers. If you're interested in reaching our audience through advertising in our newsletters with low introductory ad rates, please send us an email for more information:


    You can check out advertising rates here:


  • --> LearnOutLoud.com E-Magazine No. 055 - November 14th, 2007