Educational Music for Children
Kids LearnOutLoud w/ Educational Music & Audio Book Downloads
This week we're pleased to present over 50 New Children's Educational Music Downloads produced by Twin Sisters Productions:
Browse Over 50 Children's Educational Music Downloads
Twin Sisters Productions is the leader in children's educational music. Started by fraternal twins Kim Thompson and Karen Hilderbrand, Twin Sisters Productions "was born out of a love for children and seeing the wonderful look of pride on their faces when they have mastered a concept, and have had fun doing it!"
We are featuring a sample song from all of their audio programs, so have a listen! Here are some of the categories they feature titles in, along with some highlighted programs:
Learn About Animals:
25 Fun Animal Songs
Insects & Spiders
My First Playlist - Farm Animals
Learn About Mathematics:
Multiplication Rap & Hip Hop
Learn Languages:
Kids Learn Spanish SONGS
Kids Learn Spanish STORIES 1
And much, much, much more! Kids are sure to enjoy these catchy tunes and learn while they listen! Download educational music today!
50 Children's Educational Music Downloads from Twin Sisters Productions
2 Years of Kids Learning Out Loud
At one of the most popular sections of our site is devoted entirely to audio and video learning resources for kids & teens. We call it:
Since we launched this section of our site two years ago, we've consistently added new audio & video learning content to keep kids learning out loud. Feel free to browse all the sections within
Our Kids Catalog - The Internet's largest resource of audio learning titles for kids including over 1,000 audio books, MP3 downloads, and podcasts.
Kids Sale Section - Shop for hundreds of discounted audio books for kids available on CD, Cassette, and MP3 Download.
Audio Downloads for Kids - Download MP3 audio books for kids and teens to listen to.
Kids Free Stuff - Over 150 Podcasts and free audio titles for kids
Also you can Browse by Age. These are the age groups you can browse by:
Ages 8 & Under
Ages 9-12
You can also search within the section. And you'll see featured titles in the Kids Catalog section. Hope these help you find great audio learning resources on:
Kids Audiobook Downloads from Don Johnston
And coinciding with our two-year anniversary, we're also featuring 85 kids audio book downloads from Don Johnston Incorporated:
Don Johnston Incorporated Downloadable Audio Books
Their titles are educational audio books written and edited for kids and teens. They publish edited versions of classic literature like Treasure Island and Little Women. They also offer biography and history titles such as Harriet Tubman, Sacagawea I Have a Dream about Martin Luther King, Jr., and For Liberty about the American Revolution.
Don Johnston Incorporated also offers printed text of these audio books at to aid kids and teens in their reading abilities.
Audio Downloads from Audio Bookshelf
And lastly in this focus on kids audio, we're featuring downloadable audio books from the publisher Audio Bookshelf. For over 15 years, Audio Bookshelf has specialized in creating unabridged audio literature for kids of all ages and adults. We're pleased to be offering 10 of their most popular titles on MP3 download through
Audio Bookshelf Downloads
Browse All Audio Bookshelf Titles
Some of their kids audio books we're now offering on download include:
Daniel's Story by Carol Matas
In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson by Betty Bao Lord
The Mark Twain Sampler
Double Life of Pocahontas by Jean Fritz
Amos Fortune, Free Man by Elizabeth Yates
Enjoy a great audio book story from Audio Bookshelf!