Dallas Willard
And here are a number of the best new christianaudio releases:
The Great Lives series by Chuck Swindoll:
Great Lives: David
Great Lives: Joseph
Great Lives: Moses
Essential Church by Thom Rainer
He Is Not Silent by Albert Mohler
Let the Nations Be Glad! by John Piper
Defending Your Faith by R.C. Sproul
Peace Child by Don Richardson
Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die (only $5.98!) by John Piper
Point Man: How a Man Can Lead His Family by Steve Farrar
Invitation: Billy Graham and the Lives God Touched
The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace
Foxes Book of Martyrs
Check out over 200 offerings right here:
Over 200 Titles on CD and MP3 Download from christianaudio
Bestselling Downloads from Oasis Audio
Browse bestselling titles on MP3 download from the publisher Oasis Audio. Oasis Audio is one of the leading audio publishers of Christian Living audio books. You can browse all the downloadable Oasis Audio titles sorted by their bestselling ones right here:
Oasis Audio Downloads
These are some of our bestselling titles from Oasis Audio:
The Holy Bible - New Testament
Breaking Free Day by Day by Beth Moore
Praying: Finding Our Way Through Duty to Delight by J.I. Packer
Finding God's Path Through Your Trials by Elizabeth George
The Threshing Floor by Juanita Bynum
Experiencing The Resurrection by Henry Blackaby
Cross Purposes by D. James Kennedy
50 Days of Heaven by Randy Alcorn
Bible Stories for Growing Kids by Francine Rivers
More Than a Carpenter Today by Josh McDowell
Grow in your faith with these inspirational audio books from Oasis Audio!
Download C.S. Lewis Christian Classics
One of the greatest Christian authors of all time is C.S. Lewis. Along with his famous children's literature series The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis also penned many of the 20th century's best works on the Christian faith. LearnOutLoud.com now features three of these books available for the first time on MP3 download and at over 50% off the CD price:
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis - A classic book on Christian apologetics which attempts to describe the fundamental teachings of Christianity that are common to all Christians.
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis - Fictional Christian satire featuring the demon Screwtape's letters to his demon nephew Wormwood about their attempts to undermine the faith and promote sin in a common man.
The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis - An intellectual Christian response to the problem of suffering while still believing in a loving, all-powerful God.
For more on C.S. Lewis you might also want to check out our LearnOutLoud.com author page on him:
C.S. Lewis Author Page
Top 20 Free Christian Audio Resources
From the Bible on audio to the lectures and podcasts of today's leading Christian thinkers, speakers, and authors, we've assembled this list of 20 of the top free Christian audio resources available. Enrich your faith and spiritual life by listening to these outstanding Christian audio books and programs. Check out the full list on our blog:
20 Great Free Christian Audio Resources
Here's the Top Ten:
1. christianaudio's Free Audiobook of the Month
Each month christianaudio.com offers a professionally recorded Christian audio book for free! All that is required is that you register for an account and enter in their coupon code. In the past they've featured free audio books such as G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy, Tolstoy's Father Sergius and Other Short Stories, Interior Castle by Saint Teresa of Avila, Paradise Lost by John Milton, The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan. We encourage you to visit the christianaudio.com website for more thoughtful Christian audio books and a lot of other freebies as well!
2. 1 Year Daily Audio Bible Podcast
This podcast will take you through the entire Bible in 365 separate podcasts to be listened to over the next year. Each podcast is read by Nashville, TN based record producer Brian Hardin. Instead of going through the Bible chronologically, he selects four different passages for each podcast, which go through books of the Old and New Testament simultaneously, along with a Proverb and a Psalm. If you'd like to read the Bible more, but can't find the time of day, then try listening to the entire Bible in one year with the Bible In a Year Podcast.
3. The Veritas Forum Podcast
The Veritas Forum podcast collects various lectures from leading thinkers within the modern Christian community. Here you will listen to lectures on topics such as Science v. Religion, the existence of God, Intelligent Design, and much more. The speakers highlighted in this podcast foster dialogue over rhetoric in an effort to not only reconcile their faith with an ever changing landscape, but to also show why it is still an essential aspect of 21st century life.
4. Covenant Theological Seminary Courses
Covenant Theological Seminary is offering 14 of their lecture courses on audio. These courses cover a wide range of topics around Christian theology and history. Here's the courses they're offering:
Ancient & Medieval Church History
Apologetics & Outreach
Biblical Theology
Calvin's Institutes
Christ-Centered Preaching
Christian Ethics
God & His Word
Humanity, Christ & Redemption
Life & Letters of Paul
Life & Teachings of Jesus
Old Testament History
Reformation & Modern Church History
Spirit, Church, & Last Things
Youth Ministry
All the courses are well organized with decent sound quality and supplemental PDFs on the Covenant Seminary website. Enjoy these free theological courses!
5. The Easter Story: The Bible Experience
Audible.com is currently offering "The Easter Story" for free on download from the popular dramatized audio Bible Inspired By...The Bible Experience. This dramatization features performances by reknowned actors, sound effects, and music. It makes for a very dramatic listening experience.
6. The Genius of Jesus
In this lecture from the Veritas Forum, Christian philosopher and author Dallas Willard talks about the importance of Jesus of Nazareth throughout history when it comes to confronting the reality of existence. Willard feels that present-day universities apply a materialistic knowledge or a New Age philosophy when it comes to confronting moral life, which leaves out the essential teachings of Jesus. He posits four great questions of existence and explains the answers which Jesus gave to these questions. This lecture is available on streaming audio and MP3 download from the Veritas forum.
7. SermonIndex Classics Podcast
Listen to these podcasts from SermonIndex. These podcasts cover many aspects of Christianity and Christian Living, including sermons from Jim Cymbala, David Wilkerson, Zac Poonen, Keith Green, A.W. Tozer, Duncan Campbell, Ian Paisley, Leonard Ravenhill, and many other popular preachers from throughout the 20th century. For more free classic sermons check out the offerings we feature from SermonAudio.com.
8. The King James Version Bible
The Bible is the #1 selling book of all time. If you've been wanting to listen to an audio version the good folks at Audio Treasure would like to treat you to a free one. You can listen on their website or download to put on your mp3 player. It's great for moments when you need a little inspiration!
9. Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Legacy
In this program of Speaking of Faith, host Krista Tippett talks with producer Martin Doblmeier, whose 2003 documentary covered Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life and thought. Doblmeier tells the story of the German Lutheran pastor and theologian, as Bonhoeffer made difficult decisions in his opposition to Nazism and his attempts to assassinate Adolf Hitler. This program also explores Bonhoeffer's faith and theology including a discussion of his work Letters and Papers from Prison, which Bonhoeffer wrote from the point of his arrest in 1943 until his execution by the Gestapo in 1945. This talk can be downloaded on MP3 from the Speaking of Faith website or through iTunes U.
10. The Prayer of St. Francis
Listen to this moving prayer by St. Francis of Assisi. In his short, yet profound prayer, St. Francis asks God to make him an instrument of peace and love, acknowledging that it is in giving that we receive. This prayer is read by Brian Johnson and can be listened to on MP3 download or streaming audio through LearnOutLoud.com.