

Download Think and Grow Rich & Other Napoleon Hill Titles

Download Think and Grow Rich & Other Napoleon Hill Titles

First Time Ever: Download Think and Grow Rich

A while ago I blogged about my " BrokenRecords." These are audio learning titles that contain such wisdom that you can't really listen to them too much. Indeed they are great to listen to over and over again and will change your life in incredible ways.

The broken record that I've probably listened to most throughout my life is Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich. It's a great book that everyone should read or listen to, preferably numerous times throughout their life. In it, Hill distills the wisdom of many of the greatest individuals of his time. And even though the book was published a long time ago it has a timeless quality that makes it relevant today and likely for decades to come.

Unfortunately until just recently you couldn't find Think and Grow Rich as an audio download. If you wanted to listen to it on your iPod or MP3 player you had the buy the CDs, go through the tedious task of ripping them and still would have ended up with a bunch of individual tracks (in no particular order) on your player. Not the best listening experience...

But today we're happy to announce that we're making Think and Grow Rich available for the first time to download. In partnership with Highroads Media we're thrilled to bring you this title along with a number of other excellent Napoleon Hill titles such as Believe and Achieve, The Law of Success and Your Right to Be Rich. This is a special opportunity to download these titles as MP3 files or bookmarkable MPEG-4 files and have them on your player to listen to throughout the day.

Thousands of people have used the principles in these books to achieve financial prosperity. If you'd like to join them I'd encourage you to check these out. Put them in your regular listening rotation and I'm pretty confident that they'll make a tremendous impact on you.

-Jon Bischke
Founder, LearnOutLoud.com

Free Audiobook of the Month Podcast

We've been offering our Free Audiobook of the Month for several months now. It's become very popular and in order to get these titles out to even more people we've decided to begin podcasting it each month. The cool part about this is that you can subscribe one time to the podcast (using iTunes or whatever podcasting software you prefer) and you never have to worry about missing our free audiobooks again. Each episode will be automatically downloaded to your computer so you'll always something new to listen to.

Click here for more information on our Free Audiobook of the Month Podcast or search the iTunes podcast directory for "free audiobook" to find and subscribe to it. And don't forget, this month's free audiobook is The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. You'll love listening to this professionally narrated version of the classic text that many people consider to be the start of self-development literature.

New Dimensions

In addition to bringing on titles from Highroads Media, we're also excited about bringing on board New Dimensions Media. For those of you not familiar with New Dimensions, you're in for a treat. The folks there have interviewed hundreds of authors, speakers and experts and produced a series of interviews that is quite remarkable. Some of the individuals interviewed include Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra. There are some amazing interviews with people who you may not be as familiar with as well like Huston Smith and John Shelby Spong.

The interviews are about an hour long and cost only $4.95 a piece (that's about the price of a Starbucks latte these days!). 80% of the sales generated go directly back to New Dimensions which helps them create even more excellent content like this. We're going to be adding many more of these to the site in upcoming weeks and we encourage you to stock up on this stuff as it's fun to listen to and great for the soul.

Our Best-Selling Education and Professional Titles

This week we spotlight our Education and Professional category. Here are our best-selling science titles:

1. Educating Esme
2. fish! Tales
3. 21 Great Ways to Get the Job You Really Want
4. Goof-Proof Grammar
5. Grammar Smart

If you're interested in finding out the top selling items in any of our categories you'll find those listed in our sale section.

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--> LearnOutLoud.com E-Magazine No. 016 - May 16th, 2006