Download Academic MP3 Audiobooks
New Downloadable Titles
We've been working to make new titles
available for you to download from our site. We've
added a bunch recently and eclipsed the 200+ title
mark. Check 'em out!
or Smart? - Bo Peabody has one of the more
remarkable entrepreneurial stories ever. Take a
listen to this title from Listen & Live Audio.
Cure for Fear - Robin Sharma is one of the
world's leading speakers on leadership and personal
development. You can find a bunch of new titles
from Robin here.
Introduction to English Literature - We've got
up a number of new titles from
If you're interested in literature, history or
philosophy you'll enjoy these reasonably-priced
To see our complete selection of downloadable
titles, please visit
More Life-Changing Audio
The "Life-Changing Audio" segment in our last
newsletter drew some passionate responses. Thanks
to all of you who sent us your suggestions for
life-changing audiobooks. Here were a few that you
New Earth by Eckhart Tolle - Tolle's inspiring
messages are loved by many.
Christianity by C. S. Lewis - This doctrine of
Christian belief has indeed changed the lives of
numerous people.
Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl - Frankl's
story of survival from a Nazi concentration camp
should be mandatory listening for everyone.
We're still taking suggestions. If you can think
of other books/audiobooks that have changed your
life, e-mail them to
DRM: The Debate Rages On
Digital Rights Management (DRM) refers to a set
of technologies that are put into place to protect
files from illegal copying. It's a controversial
topic and an important one for the future of media
and information. We've got an interesting
discussion going on our forums right now. Click the
link below to see what's going on and feel free to
chime in with your thoughts:
Discussion on DRM
Our Best-Selling Biography Titles
This week we spotlight our Biography
category. Here are our best-selling science titles:
1. A
Million Little Pieces
2. A
Walk in the Woods
3. Angela's
4. Educating
5. It's
Not About the Bike
If you're interested in finding out the top
selling items in any of our categories you'll find
those listed in our sale
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