Berlitz Language Courses on MP3
Berlitz Language Learning Downloads is pleased to welcome Berlitz Publishing to our growing catalog of audio downloads. We are currently offering over 20 downloadable language learning courses from Berlitz, one of the world's most trusted names for language instruction.
Over 20 Audio Downloads from Berlitz Publishing
We offer a number of their most popular courses on download, including the following series of courses:
Rush Hour Courses - 3-Hour courses that includes 2 hours of language learning audio and an hour of music featuring songs to help you remember everyday words, phrases, and sentences.
Rush Hour French
Rush Hour German
Rush Hour Ingles
Rush Hour Italian
Rush Hour Spanish
Guaranteed Courses - 4-Hour all-audio courses featuring 18 short, simple lessons that focus on everyday situations.
Berlitz French Guaranteed
Berlitz German Guaranteed
Berlitz Ingles Guaranteed
Berlitz Italian Guaranteed
Berlitz Spanish Guaranteed
Start-Up Courses - 1-Hour courses designed to help kids learn a language through music.
Berlitz Start-Up French
Berlitz Start-Up Italian
Berlitz Start-Up Spanish
Hide This Courses - 1-Hour course is an uncensored language guide teaching listeners street speak and the lingo that your language teacher didn't want you to know.
Hide This French
Hide This Italian
Hide This Spanish
Rush Hour Express Courses - 1-Hour courses which are condensed versions of the Rush Hour courses providing you with essential words and phrases you need to know in order to start communicating.
Rush Hour Express French
Rush Hour Express German
Rush Hour Express Ingles
Rush Hour Express Italian
Rush Hour Express Spanish
And to round it off we're also offering on download Baby Berlitz Baby Talk & Tunes Spanish and the English Pronunciation Program. Enjoy these downloadable audio programs from the worldwide leader in language education: Berlitz Publishing.
A Fun, Easy Way to Learn a Foreign Language
10Things.TV, one of our sister sites, has just launched. 10Things is a great way to learn foreign languages. You can watch short videos with titles like "Ten Things to Say in Spanish at a Restaurant". The videos on 10Things.TV are Spanish-language learning videos, but there will be videos for other languages posted soon. All of the videos are completely free to watch. Check out 10Things.TV today and tell your friends. It's one of the easiest ways to learn some espanol!
Learn Spanish at 10Things.TV
Best Language Learning Podcasts
Some of the most popular podcasts in the world are language learning podcasts. We've assembled this list of top podcasts for a number of the world's most spoken languages.
Top English as a Second Language Podcasts:
English as a Second Language Podcast - This podcast is for anyone who wants to learn or improve their English listening and speaking. Learning Guides which include transcripts can be downloaded on their site's Guide to the TOEFL Test Podcast - The Test of English as a Foreign Language is required for non-native applicants at many English-speaking colleges and universities. This podcast is here to help those taking the TOEFL.
ESL and Archie Comics (English as a 2nd Language) Podcast - A fun way to learn how to read and speak Spanish, this podcast combines Archie comic strips with audio to teach listeners the phrases in the comic. The comics can be viewed on the Archie Comics website.
goFluent's English in the Real World Podcast - This podcast is aimed at intermediate and advanced English learners, teaching vocabulary of real-life responses to real-life situations.
EnglishPod - Learn Advanced English Podcast - This podcast covers the in and outs of advanced English speaking, focusing on the approriate ways of speaking English in different situations.
Top Spanish Language Learning Podcasts:
Learn Spanish with Coffee Break Spanish Podcast - Learn to speak and understand Spanish through common conversations and discussions of practical topics. These lessons typically last 15 minutes.
Rolling R's: Free Spanish Lesson Video Podcast - Entertaining video podcast that includes subtitles of the Spanish words the host is teaching.
Spanish Podcasts for Beginners Podcast - Drills and exercises to teach you real everyday Spanish complete with a free transcript and a translation of all the Spanish words.
Learn Spanish - Survival Guide Podcast - A language survival guide for listeners who are traveling to Spanish-speaking countries.
Top French Language Learning Podcasts:
French for Beginners Podcast - French language learning covering variety of French pronunciation, vocabulary, comprehension, and more complete with a Vocabulary Sheet for each lesson.
The FrenchPodClass PodcastThe FrenchPodClass Podcast - The most popular French podcast out there started podcasting in July of 2005. Provides French vocabulary on a specific subject and also insight into French culture.
Learn French by Podcast - Over 70 French podcasts which are all available on the feed and they include comprehensive PDF guides throug their site.
Top Italian Language Learning Podcasts:
Let's Speak Italian Podcast - Quick 5-minute podcasts teaching popular phrases, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation with very specific focus in each podcast. Podcast - Over 100 podcasts for those learning Italian, both at the basic and intermediate levels. Learn Italian for every type of situation.
My Daily Phrase Italian Podcast - 100 lessons covering practical phrases for everyday use in Italian. The 5-minute podcasts amount to a full 20-week course in Italian.
Enjoy these wonderful language learning podcasts and check out all the language learning podcasts we feature here: