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This Author: Slavoj Zizek
This Publisher: Google Talks

Slajov Zizek on Violence by Slavoj Zizek

Slajov Zizek on Violence

by Slavoj Zizek


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 17 Min.


The Authors@Google program was pleased to welcome Slavoj Žižek to Google's New York office to discuss his latest book, "Violence".

From Wikipidea:

"Slavoj Žižek is a Post-Marxist sociologist, philosopher, and cultural critic. In 1989, with the publication of his first book written in English, The Sublime Object of Ideology, Žižek achieved international recognition as a major social theorist. Since then, Žižek he has continued to develop his status as an intellectual outsider and confrontational maverick.

Žižek is a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and a professor at the European Graduate School. He has been a visiting professor at, among others, the University of Chicago, Columbia, London Consortium, Princeton, The New School, the University of Minnesota, the University of California, Irvine and the University of Michigan. He is currently the International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities at Birkbeck College, University of London"

This event took place on September 12, 2008.

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