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This Author: Michael Shermer
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The Science of Good and Evil by Michael Shermer

The Science of Good and Evil

Why People Cheat, Gossip, Care, Share, and Follow the Golden Rule

by Michael Shermer

Title Details

Abridged Edition
Running Time
2 Hrs. 21 Min.


In The Science of Good and Evil, psychologist and science historian Michael Shermer explores how humans evolved from social primates into moral primates, how and why morality motivates the human animal, and how the foundation of moral principles can be built upon empirical evidence. Along the way he explains the implications of scientific findings for fate and free will, the existence of pure good and pure evil, and the development of early moral sentiments among the first humans. As he closes the divide between science and morality, Shermer draws on stories from the Yanamamo, infamously known as the "fierce people" of the tropical rain forest, to the Stanford studies on jailers' behavior in prisons. The Science of Good and Evil is ultimately a profound look at the moral animal, belief, and the scientific pursuit of truth.

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