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Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 24 Min.


REMEMBERING examines the phenomena of human memory: an incomprehensible flow of individual and collective references that determine our current and future life. Filmmaker Bruno Moll questions what memory is made of and what meaning these memories have for our life. What do we remember? What triggers memories? What can we learn from our memories? What meaning does forgetting have? REMEMBERING profiles six individuals who, in different ways, deal with memory in their everyday lives. These include a dying globetrotter, whose museum-like souvenir collection serves to trigger a lifetime of travel memories; a young exiled Kurdish woman who uses artistic expression to deal with her traumatic and ever-present memories of imprisonment and torture; an anthropologist whose analysis of ancient skeletons attempts to create portraits of their former lives; the Jewish Polish couple who take their grandchildren on a historical search for traces of their Holocaust-victim ancestors; a writer who helps people recover memories of their distant past for the collaborative writing and publication of personal biographies; and a therapist who uses music to help elderly people establish a link with their memories, opening a window to the past. These personal accounts serve to illustrate the variety of ways in which human beings experience memory-whether as the pleasurable recall of experiences and people which cannot be brought back, the hauntingly persistent, psychologically devastating quality of traumatic experiences, or the passing along of valuable historical lessons. REMEMBERING thereby dramatically reveals just how important memory, the experience of remembering, can be in determining the quality of our everyday lives.

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