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This Author: Charles Duhigg
This Publisher: TED Talks

Charles Duhigg on The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Charles Duhigg on The Power of Habit

by Charles Duhigg


Title Details

Running Time
15 Min.
Charles Duhigg's previous bestselling book was The Power of Habit. In this 15-minute TEDx talk, Duhigg provides some of the ideas from his book including the importance of cues and rewards for making and breaking habits. He cites the famous marshmallow test among children and how the kids that focus too much on trying to abstain from eating the marshmallow have a more difficult time than the kids that ignore the cue of marshmallow. Duhigg suggests that if we remove the cues of our worst habits and provide ourselves with positive rewards as an alternative to these habits we can break them and form new, more positive habits.

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