These NPR "driveway moment" stories featuring our feline friends will have you curled up in your seat, purring. Mischievous, mysterious, content, curious, and full of attitude, these stories mirror the personality of these creatures that dwell in our homes and our hearts.
- "Introduction" by Scott Simon
- "Cat and Child, So Comfy Together"
- "Cat Lovers and Their Stories"
- "Earliest Evidence of House Cats"
- "Cat Named Hamish"
- "Family Wasn't Always Nice to Its Cats"
- "The Purrrfect Candidate for President"
- "Political Attack Ad Goes After a Cat"
- "Cats Can't Taste Sweetness"
- "Cats Eat Anything Smaller Than Themselves"
- "Why Do Cats Purr?"
- "Living with Lions"
- "Maine Cat Resort"
- "Bicycling Across USA with Cat in Basket"
- "French for Felines"
- "Allergen-Free Cat"
- "The Story of 23 Cats and an Owl"
- "Alone at Christmas with Two Old Cats"
- "Mourning the Loss of Frankie the Cat"
- "Baghdad Girl, Reaching Out Over the Web"
- "This I Believe: Caring Makes Us Human"
- "Cat People vs. Non-Cat People"
- "Calico Cat Cloned"
- "Four Pounds of Fury: Baby Cheetah Gets a Mom"
- "Ms. Pudding: A Feline Farewell"
- "The Algonquin Hotel's Feline Celebrity"
- "Cats First Tamed in the Middle East"
- "Protecting African Lions: Hunters Turned Guardians"
- "Cat Genome Forensics"
- "Glowing Kittens Help in Fights against AIDS"
- "Pet Physics: The Uncanny Lapping of Cats"
- "White Cat Gifts"
- "Scott Simon Remembers Lenore"
- "Cat Laws"