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The Morning Myth by Frank J. Rumbauskas, Jr.

The Morning Myth

How Every Night Owl Can Become More Productive, Successful, Happier, and Healthier

by Frank J. Rumbauskas, Jr.

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
6 Hrs. 50 Min.


Society largely praises early risers, while maligning so-called "night owls." However, countless research studies have consistently shown that night owls are more successful and wealthier than early risers.

The Morning Myth is intended to show that, indeed, night owls are generally more successful in life than early risers. The book is intended to restore self-confidence to night owls and help them to achieve more on their natural schedules, and also to inform employers on just how much productivity they're losing by forcing night owls to be at work bright and early, and advising them on how to schedule both early risers and night owls for maximum productivity to the employer and maximum happiness to the employee.

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