Ever since Eve asked Adam, "Do I look fat in this fig leaf?" it's been apparent that men don't know how to handle women.In The Mr. & Mrs. Happy Handbook, Steve Doocy attempts to give all men and women answers to the questions that arise in their relationships. (To the question above, the answer, clearly, is "No hablo ingles".) This is a funny, provocative, and yet hopeful look at husbands and wives. Doocy riffs on everything from the first date and first kiss to last rites, and examines the crazy arcs that relationships take, from dating and proposing, through weddings and honeymooning, to being married, having kids, and making it work (so you won't need a chapter on community property). Doocy has been married for 20 years, but he's not declaring this a self-help book. It's more of a Don't Try This At Home book. He's an expert on what not to do, because he's already done all the dumb stuff and learned from his mistakes. Plus, for anything he has not learned, and for additional WMD (women, men, dating) brilliance, Doocy has included bits and pieces from his celebrity interviews, which will make the listener feel simpatico with the rich and famous (e.g., "Henry Kissinger and I have something in common: we don't know squat about chicks!").