Do you ever feel like you're failing miserably at parenting? Do your kids keep acting like douche-nuggets no matter what you do? Then this book is for you.
From the creator of Baby Sideburns and I Heart My Little A-Holes (and the creator of two kids who once were little a-holes but are slowly turning into awesome human beings), Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be A-Holes is a hilariously honest parenting guide written by a regular mom who doesn't always know WTF she's doing. Just like you.
Featuring side-splittingly funny pictures, stories, and chapters like:
- "You Are Not Your Kiddo's Servant?"
- "Picasso's Mom Didn't Tell Him to Draw the Eyes in the Right Place"
- "Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Will Cost Thousands in Therapy"
- "If They Say 'I Hate You,' Then You're Probably Doing It Right"
Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be A-Holes will make you laugh, cry, laugh until you cry, and feel like you're having coffee (and a little sumpin' in it) with a best friend who has some of the answers to the hardest job on earth: parenting. And maybe, just maybe, it might help you get the a-hole out of your kids*.
*not a guarantee