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This Author: Shiva Rea
This Narrator: Shiva Rea, Jai Uttal, Ben Leinbach
This Publisher: Sounds True

Yoga Chant by Shiva Rea

Yoga Chant

Opening the Heart Center Through Chanting and Flow Yoga

by Shiva Rea

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
2 Hrs. 10 Min.
User Rating
  4.0  Stars Based on 2 ratings


The journey of all yogas, in every tradition, leads us to a single destination: an open and loving heart connected to the Source. On Yoga Chant, instructor Shiva Rea - with acclaimed world music artist Jai Uttal and musician Ben Leinbach - guides you into a transformative "inner yoga" practice of the heart where you will experience:
  • Chant (kirtan) - India's ecstatic sacred sound tradition for opening ourselves to love and devotion.
  • Vinyasa Flow Yoga - A flowing sequence of asanas (postures) focused on backbends and hip openers to provide the foundation for embodying an open heart and strong spine.
  • Meditation and Breathwork (pranayama) - Specific meditations and breathing cycles to nourish the heart center with prana (vital life energy).

    Use Yoga Chant's tracks individually or as one continuous sequence to rejuvenate yourself morning or night...release tension and constrictions...and connect to the current of unconditional love. For beginners with some yoga experience and intermediate students.

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