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9: "Sleep Well Tonight" by John Selby

9: "Sleep Well Tonight"

Our Primary Insomnia Program

by John Selby

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
68 Mins.
Year Released
User Rating
  3.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


This revised version of psychologist John Selby's "Secrets Of A Good Night's Sleep" program delivers a professional anti-insomnia method that covers all mental and emotional dimensions of your getting to sleep and staying asleep at night. Whether you're worried or stressed out, feeling angry or under too much pressure, the guided sessions of this program will deliver fast effortless relief.

Here are the primary programs (around 10 minutes each) that you'll learn from this CD:

1: "From angry .. to sleepy" ... All too often we toss and turn, unable to sleep because we're caught up in angry thoughts, memories and imaginations. This 8-minute guided session takes you through an effortless process that enables you to let go of anger and frustration, and enjoy present-moment feelings in your body and mood. Often just listening to this one session will move you into relaxation and sleep.

2: "From worried ... to relaxed" ... Worries keep us awake at night, they plague our minds and emotions, and tense our bodies. This ten-minute session will help you let go of your worried fixations, so that you can experience a sense of security and wellbeing in the present moment in your bed ... and let go ... and fall asleep.

3: "Peace of mind tonight" ... You can learn how to shift into peaceful thoughts and quiet emotions ... this highly-enjoyable session features both John's voice guiding your attention toward relaxation and calm, and special music that soothes you and helps you fall asleep ...

4: "Slumber-time ... now" ... After listening to the earlier sessions, if you're not already asleep, this guided experience takes you further into total present-moment relaxation ... and sleep.

5: Sleep Music ... Sometimes you'll just need to put on this 12 minutes of totally-relaxing music, in order to fall asleep. At other times you'll start the CD on earlier tracks, and then as you fall asleep, this music will continue to play softly ... ensuring that you stay asleep.

Each time you listen to this CD, you will learn how to fall asleep on your own. Sometimes you'll realize that it's anxiety that's keeping you awake, and you'll go right to that track on the CD. Othertimes you'll just want the relaxing fourth or fifth track ... the more you work with this CD to cure your insomnia, the more you'll become master of your own mind, and shift rapidly into the state of mind you learn on this CD for inducing slumber ... enjoy!

For more information on this and other John Selby programs, feel free to also visit http://johnselby.com.


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