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This Author: Marcia Wieder
This Publisher: Made for Success

Becoming a Dreamer by Marcia Wieder

Becoming a Dreamer

by Marcia Wieder


Title Details

Running Time
48 Min.


Have you put your needs, wants and desires on hold? Do you hear yourself say, “Maybe someday…when I retire or when the kids are grown or when I have extra time and money…then I’ll pursue my dreams or do what makes me happy?” Life is precious and tenuous and we never know what tomorrow holds. If time and money were not issues, if you had the support of the people around you, if you knew you could not fail…what would you do? The author of the best-selling book, Making Your Dreams Come True (seen on Oprah) Marcia Wieder, CEO of Dream University, is redefining what it means to dream. This is not about fantasizing or winning the lottery. It is about knowing who you are, what you want and designing the simple strategies to get it now. Reconnect to the dreamer within and use this clear roadmap for greater health, wealth, and happiness at work and at home. This program includes: 1. The Power of Being a Dreamer 2. Willingness, Practice & Courage 3. Desire that Works 4. Accessing Your Imagination 5. Effective Expectations. 6. Idealism: The Downside of Dreaming 7. Tapping True Power8. Using Nocturnal Dreams. Where do dreams come from? You make them up. Some are based on needs, like putting food on the table or going back to school, some are based on desires, like traveling the world, buying a home or writing a book. But the dreams that are the most profound come from your purpose. Standing in your purpose, the quality of your dreams and the quality of your life will change. This program will help you discover your purpose. Whether you have a specific dream or are in need of some new ones, this will help you create new dreams for yourself, business, and family while providing practical solutions. This will allow you to accomplish this faster and with greater ease.

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