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This Author: Allen Liles
This Narrator: Gary Holcombe, Susan Kavanaugh
This Publisher: Unity House

The Peaceful Driver- Steering Clear of Road Rage by Allen Liles

The Peaceful Driver- Steering Clear of Road Rage

by Allen Liles

Title Details

Abridged Edition
Running Time
1 Hr.


The term road rage includes both aggressive driving and the potential for phsucial assault that results from a traffic dispute. Aggressive driving is now one of the nation's top three highway threats, along with drunken driving and failure to use seat belts. The goal of this program is to help you have a safe and enjoyable driving experience, whether you're traveling a few blocks or thousands of miles.The Peaceful Driver will teach you to be careful, be calm, be cool, and be safe. It offers you useful, practical information that includes- visualization and affirmations to create a positive and pleasant emotional environment while you are driving; a 10-question quiz to find out if yourself may be an aggressive driver; apractical checklist to prepare yourself for any drive; and "K-E-E-P-I-T-S-A-F-E"- a hand acronym to help you stay in control of your behicle and your actions.Don't let an instant of anger turn into a lifetime of regret. Whether you are an aggressive driver or someone concerned about becoming a victim of road rage, this program can help you arrive safely and at peace with the world around you

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