Join the artist and author Humble the Poet on a journey to improve your self-worth. You begin by recognizing that self-respect is the language of self-love. When you respect yourself, you won't need validation from the outside because you've have tapped into your unlimited supply of love within. But all of us feel anxiety at some point, and Humble reminds us there's nothing wrong with feeling anxiety-it's a gift. Anxiety is the messenger, not the message! You'll also be encouraged do the hard things that will feed your self-respect, and to understand the difference between passions and obsessions. Humble finishes off this audio with a guided meditation on improving your self-worth through love. Each track features an original soundscape that is a perfect accompaniment to Humble's spoken word.
Track 1 Understanding the Gift of Anxiety
Track 2 How Doing Hard Things Feeds Your Self-Respect
Track 3 Abandoning Your Passions for Your Obsessions
Track 4 Meditation on Improving Your Self-Worth with Love