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This Author: Andrew Weil
This Narrator: Andrew Weil
This Publisher: Sounds True

Taking Care of Yourself by Andrew Weil

Taking Care of Yourself

Strategies for Eating Well, Staying Fit, and Living in Balance

by Andrew Weil

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
4 Hrs. 12 Min.
User Rating
  4.0  Stars Based on 6 ratings
Andrew Weil's approach to health is sensible and well-grounded. Taking Care of Yourself encompasses a number of related areas including diet and nutrition, exercise and stress reduction. It's one of the best books related to health that I have listened to. Weil promotes integrative medicine which is a belief that the best prescription for good health is probably a combination of traditional medicine and alternative medicine. Furthermore, he touts the benefits of preventative medicine through nutrition and regular exercise, something that needs emphasizing in the Western world. If you're looking for a book that will provide a common sense approach to living a healthier life, you'll definitely want to listen to this one.

I listened to the unabridged (4 hours and 12 minutes in length) version of this title through Audible.com. It is read by the author who does an excellent job. Overall, the sound and narration quality was excellent.

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