Are you so accustomed to feeling just "okay" that you've forgotten what it's like to feel really great? Would you like to feel your very best, each and every day, now and for the rest of your life? If the answer is yes you are a candidate for the Medical Makeover. Developed by Dr. Robert M. Giller and presented by Olympic Gold Medalist Bob Seagren, the Medical Makeover is a revolutionary approach to health care.
Simple and effective, this eight-week program will enable you to:
Eliminate common complaints like headaches, afternoon fatigue, insomnia, excess weight, frequent colds, irritability, digestive problems and moreUse both your mind and body to tackle all the major factors affecting your health: nutrition, sugar, caffeine, exercise, stress, alcohol, smoking and vitaminsCorrect the bad habits that in the long run can lead to chronic, killing diseaseEnhance your entire sense of well-being.Begin your Medical Makeover now. You'll gain energy and vitality, feel great today, and beat the odds against disease in the future.