We all want to discover the secret to a long and healthy life. But how do you incorporate the secrets of personal wellness into the unique demands of your own schedule? What information would a knowledgeable and compassionate family physician offer someone looking for a reference guide to healthy living?
These 36 comprehensive lectures offer you practical and expert advice that allows you to make your own personalized choices about healthy living, as well as ways to apply that knowledge to your lifestyle. With this course, you'll nourish your body, strengthen your mind, and forever change the way you think about and live your life. Professor Goodman teaches you about the six fundamentals of personal well-being: aging, nutrition and whole foods, movement, mental health, specific health issues, and general health choices. These fundamentals offer a well-rounded and engaging survey of the concepts, issues, and lessons of lifelong health.
Professor Goodman's advice is rooted in scientific information and proven results - without bogging you down in complex terminology or theories. More importantly, it is flavored with commonsense tips, helpful advice, and inspirational stories that make lifelong health both appealing and achievable.
Crafted with the concerns of everyone in mind, whether you're in adolescence or advancing age, this wonderful resource is the perfect way to take those first steps on the road to becoming a better, healthier you.
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