Be an instant expert on Science and Bluff Your Way; with all those who profess to know about the subject. No experimenting required, just a sense of humour. From "atoms" to "ohms" and from "the Standard Model" to "the Twaddel", the Bluffer's Guide to Science equips you to dazzle an audience with stunning results.Extracts from the book:
If ever a truly eminent man of science over the age of 55 pronounces with great conviction that something is impossible, it is a safe bet that he will be proved wrong shortly.
Ad infinitum
Although it has not been conclusively proven, there are those who believe that quarks may not be points occupying no space, which would mean that they in turn were made up of even smaller particles. This would come as no surprise to the bluffer, who worships the dictum: "Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite em, and little fleas have lesser fleas and so ad infinitum."
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