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This Author: Siddhartha Mukherjee
This Publisher: UCTV

Overthrowing the Emperor of All Maladies: Moving Forward Against Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee

Overthrowing the Emperor of All Maladies: Moving Forward Against Cancer

by Siddhartha Mukherjee


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
58 Min.
In this talk hosted by UCTV, writer and physician Siddhartha Mukherjee talks about cancer through the ages, and how we might better seek ways to beat and live with the "Emperor of All Maladies". In the abstract, Muhkherjee compares cancer’s significance in the 20th century to the plague in medieval society; both serve as a lens that helps us understand the acquisition of knowledge in their respective eras. He believes that the medical community has become too conservative in cancer research since the 50s, and ultimately hasn’t factored in how the patient may become more a part of the ongoing dialogue on how to treat the disease. Sensing a general stall in the cancer fight as we enter the 21st century, Muhkherjee is nevertheless hopeful that new advances in technology, along with innovations happening in other fields will add to the understanding of a pervasive illness that continues to touch the lives of just about everyone. This talk is available on YouTube and on MP3 audio download through the UCTV website.

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