
Religious Figures Audio & Video

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The Other America

The Other America
by Martin Luther King, Jr.

A Knock at Midnight

A Knock at Midnight
by Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Jefferson Bible

The Jefferson Bible
by Thomas Jefferson

The Quest of the Historical Jesus

The Quest of the Historical Jesus
by Albert Schweitzer

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The Words of Christ
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This audio book, released by ThoughtAudio.com isolates everything uttered by Christ in the gospel according to Matthew. Extracted from the narrative of the Bible, Christ's message is distilled to its core values.

The Other America
by Martin Luther King, Jr.
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In this great speech delivered on March 14, 1968, less than a month before he was killed, Dr. King talks about the two Americas that are still very relevant to our modern times.

A Knock at Midnight
by Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Online Video (Free)

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "A Knock at Midnight" sermon was delivered on June 11, 1967. It is one of his most famous sermons where he relates the parable Jesus told of a man who knocks at midnight for three loaves of bread.

How Long, Not Long
by Martin Luther King, Jr.
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"How Long, Not Long" is the popular name given to the public speech delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. on the steps of the State Capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, after the successful completion of the Selma to Montgomery March on March 25, 1965.

Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution
by Martin Luther King, Jr.
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And one of the great liabilities of life is that all too many people find themselves living amid a great period of social change, and yet they fail to develop the new attitudes, the new mental responses, that the new situation demands. They end up sleeping through a revolution.

Historical Jesus
by Thomas Sheehan
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Who was the historical Jesus of Nazareth? What did he actually say and do?

The Dhammapada
by Buddha
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In our latest exploration of the Eastern world and its spiritual practices, LearnOutLoud.com presents The Dhammapada. This ancient Buddhist scripture is traditionally understood as a collection of answers that the Buddha gave to important spiritual and ethical questions.

A Knock at Midnight
by Martin Luther King, Jr.
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For anyone who falls asleep at their church sermon on Sunday, these original recordings of sermons given by Martin Luther King, Jr. will snap you awake and stir you to action.

The Art of Happiness
by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
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The Dalai Lama is probably one of the only people who, if you ask him if he's happy, even though he's suffered the loss of his country, will give you an unconditional "yes." What's more...

Ethical Self-Awareness and Personal Transformation
by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
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Online Video (Free)

In this free video from UCTV, His Holiness the Dalai Lama addresses a packed crowd at UC-Irvine on the topic of "Ethical Self-Awareness & Personal Transformation".

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