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4: "Seven Masters, One Path" Course by John Selby

4: "Seven Masters, One Path" Course

The Full Selby-Meditation Course

by John Selby

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
56 Mins.
User Rating
  4.7  Stars Based on 3 ratings


Based on John Selby's popular "Seven Masters, One Path" book, this in-depth training program will empower you to wake up your intuitive and spiritual presence - each new moment of the day.

Selby's unique seven-step meditation method is based both on the methods of the world's great spiritual traditions, and also on congruent psychological insights and cognitive research by the author. The method can be experienced in less than three minutes when you want a quick consciousness boost - or in a 10 minute or 30-minute meditation format.

Using 7 unique 'focus phrases' to instantly turn your focus of attention toward deep meditative experience, this method enables you to tap your deep intuitive and spiritual core without unnecessary esoteric baggage.

This CD delivers deep guided experience into your own emerging spiritual awareness, and includes the following themes and 10-minute audio training programs (tracks):

1:"Introduction" to Selby's 'short-form' meditation ... a preview of this unique meditation process, and how to approach mastering the meditation.

2: "Breath Watch Meditation" ... (Patanjali) ... a unique way to shift into the present moment using spiritual focus phrases to direct your attention to your breathing experience.

3: "Quiet Your Mind / Inner Peace" ... (Lao Tzu) ... merging cogniticve psychology and ancient meditative techniques, learn to quiet your mind in less than a minute.

4: "Accepting The World" ... (Buddha) ... judgmental attitudes and thoughts shut down the heart and spiritual experience. Learn a process that quiets the judgmental function of the mind, and helps you accept people just as they are.

5: "Heart Awakening" ... (Jesus) ... In this expansion, you include a deep focus on your heart, and allow love and healing to come flowing in, as you encourage self-love and emotional healing.

6: "Opening To Receive" ... (Mohammed) ... now it's time to take that gerat leap in meditation, and become receptive to intuitive and spiritual insight and awakening.

7: "Connecting With Your Source" ... (Gurdjieff) ... you're now ready, in the sixth expansion of this process, to turn your attention directly inward and feel intimately connected with your Creator.

8: "Experiencing Bliss" (Krishnamurti) ... expand the final step into full awareness, acceptance, love and bliss ...

9: "Full Meditation Review" ... once you've trained and memorized each of the seven expansions of this full meditation process, you can return often to this final track (6 minutes) and let John guide you through the full experience ... until you know it by heart and can move effortlessly through the process on your own.

Please visit http://johnselby.com for more info ... and enjoy this CD or download as your total training program for lifelong meditation.

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