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This Author: Ted Cunningham
This Narrator: Kirby Heyborne
This Publisher: Oasis Audio

Trophy Child by Ted Cunningham

Trophy Child

Saving Parents from Performance, Preparing Children for Something Greater Than Themselves

by Ted Cunningham

Video About This Audio Book

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
6 Hrs. 30 Min.


The Anti-Tiger-Mom Book

Do you cringe when your kids fight in public because it makes you look bad? Do you find yourself helping too much with homework because you want the teacher to be impressed? Do you secretly take credit for your child's soccer win? You might be in danger of vanity parenting.

Vanity parenting happens when our culture's obsession with performance leads us to form expectations for our kids based on the world's standards. As a result, our children try to meet our emotional needs instead of growing into the calling God has for them. Trophy Child will help you create a home where your children find success in following their heavenly father - and you know the joy of seeing your children embrace their full potential as children of God.

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