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This Author: Erwin Lutzer
This Narrator: Lloyd James
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The Truth about Same Sex Marriage by Erwin Lutzer

The Truth about Same Sex Marriage

Six Things You Need to Know about What's Really at Stake

by Erwin Lutzer

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Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
2 Hrs. 50 Min.


From the clamor of the evening news to the hush of a judge’s courtroom, there is a battle raging for marriage. The implications for society are profound. Yet many people of faith are confused, asking: Is it really that big a deal?

Erwin Lutzer, bestselling author, theologian and minister pulls no punches: The spread of same-sex marriage is a deep and dangerous threat and the church MUST act, in love and in truth. Lutzer sorts truth from spin and takes on some tough questions, such as:

How did we get to this point?
Why is marriage as God intended better- and healthier?
How can I talk to my kids about this?
How do we get our message out in the media?
Is there still time?

If you believe in the traditional view of marriage and are convinced it’s worth defending, then read this book!

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