Exodus is a real story about God redeeming his people from the bondage of slavery and how their difficult journey home exposed their loyalties - though wounded by Egypt, they had come to worship its gods. Most Christians don't make golden idols like the Israelites in the wilderness, but we do set up idols on our own desert road - idols like substance abuse, pornography, gluttony, and rage. And even those who don't know the pain of actual slavery can feel enslaved to the fear and shame that follow sexual abuse or betrayal by a spouse, for we suffer at the hands of our idols as well as those created by others. We need more than self-improvement or comfort - we need redemption.
Redemption is not a step-oriented recovery book; it's story oriented and Bible anchored. It unfolds the backstory of redemption in Exodus to help Christians better understand how Christ redeems us from the slavery of abuse, addiction, and assorted trouble and restores us to our created purpose: the worship of God. Listeners will discover that the reward of freedom is more than victory over a habitual sin or release from shame; it is satisfaction and rest in God himself.
Part of the Re:Lit series.