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This Author: Anne Graham Lotz
This Narrator: Anne Graham Lotz
This Publisher: Thomas Nelson Word

Just Give Me Jesus by Anne Graham Lotz

Just Give Me Jesus

by Anne Graham Lotz

Title Details

Unabridged Edition
Running Time
13 Hrs.


How did the apostle John know that, 2,000 years after he lived, your life would need a fresh touch from God? How did John know that, at the beginning of a new millennium your life would be so busy, your focus so divided, you body so tired, your mind so bombarded, your family so attached, your relationship so strained, your church so programmed...that you would be desperate for the simplicity and the purity, the freedom and the fulfillment of a life lived in Jesus' name?

John probably didn't know. But God did. That's why he just gives you Jesus! No one can serve up the Bread of Life like Anne Graham Lotz, who has described herself as simply God's able "waitress." Poignantly, passionately, and with spellbinding insight, she focuses the light of Christ's life on Earth so that its relevance burns true in your life today. Listen to these messages presented at the National Christian Women's Conference in Aukland, New Zealand, and see how the Father gives you Jesus to make...God visible, sin forgivable, and Heaven available...to you!

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