When a woman becomes pregnant, miscarriage is usually the furthest thing from her mind. Her time is spent dreaming of the day she will finally cradle her newborn baby in her arms. Such was the case for Jessalyn Hutto when she became pregnant with her first baby. But as is all too common, the precious life she carried came to an abrupt end before those dreams ever became a reality.
More often than not, well-meaning friends and family seek to alleviate their sorrow by offering encouragement in the form of empty platitudes and Christian cliches. But what these couples truly need is the hope of the gospel. This is what led Hutto to write Inheritance of Tears.
In this short book, Hutto seeks to deal honestly with the issue of miscarriage and reveal how it relates to the Word of God. She does so by answering questions like: Why do babies have to die in the womb?; Do miscarriages take God by surprise?; Does God care about your pain?; and How can any good come from something so terrible?
Short, sensitive, and theologically robust, Inheritance of Tears is a book that every pastor and church member can confidently share with those who are called to walk through the painful trial of miscarriage.