Throughout the Old and New Testaments, from the giving of the Law to the birth of the Church, from the covenant with the Israelites to the new covenant with the Body of Christ, crises nearly always were seen when God's people departed from their covenant relationship with Him to obey God's voice and keep His covenant. The two books of 1 and 2 Samuel are classic expressions of the heart of God in times of spiritual and physical crises among His covenant people. But what application can they have for us today?This audiobook will uncover those defining moments in Samuel's life, the calamities and trials that befell the nation of Israel as they turned their back on God. And it will help you take a closer look at your own spiritual walk, and the choices you make to turn away from God as crises and tragedies befall you, or to allow him to work clearly and thoroughly in you. God needs people like you who will follow Samuel's example and speak His truth without apology, who will live Godly lives without compromise.