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This Author: Sharon Salzberg
This Publisher: MeaningOfLife.tv

Sharon Salzberg by Sharon Salzberg

Sharon Salzberg

by Sharon Salzberg


Title Details

Running Time
45 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 4 ratings
In this interview from MeaningOfLife.tv, cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society Sharon Salzberg talks about her spiritual path while introducing listener's to many concepts of Buddhist practice. Host Robert Wright asks her many of the hard questions about Buddhism such as why should one focus on their own suffering and death, what is nirvana and enlightenment, and why is it important to learn to love oneself. Salzberg also talks about her idea of bright faith which lead her through many hardships in her own life. This 45-minute talk is available through Google Video as a streaming video and is offered by MeaningOfLife.tv.

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