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This Author: William J. Bennett
This Publisher: Ashbrook Center

In Defense of Western Civilization by William J. Bennett

In Defense of Western Civilization

by William J. Bennett


Title Details

Running Time
56 Min.


Many political commentators, as well as Republican insiders predict a bright political future for William Bennett, who already is on many "A lists" as a presidential candidate in 1996.

Mr. Bennett became Director of the Office of National Drug Policy during the Bush administration, following terms as Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of Education and Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Even many of his critics concede that Mr. Bennett led a vigorous national debate on drugs, education and the condition of children and culture in the United States.

As "Drug Czar," Mr. Bennett argued for tougher law enforcement, greater user accountability and more and better treatment, education and prevention programs. He used his post to make a moral case against drug abuse, and argued strongly against the legalization of drugs.

Secretary of Education Bennett declared that the nation must attend to the "Three C’s" of American education: content, character and choice. He focused on the importance of mastering basics—mathematics, history, science and English—and instilling high standards and expectations in the classroom.

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