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This Author: Orville Schell
This Publisher: Asia Society

Henry Kissinger at the Asia Society by Orville Schell

Henry Kissinger at the Asia Society

by Orville Schell

Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 22 Min.
User Rating
  2.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


A strong and collaborative relationship between the United States and China will be critical to global peace, security, and economic growth in the future. To meet the growing need for a deeper understanding of and public dialogue strengthening U.S.-China relations, Asia Society has established the Asia Society Center on U.S.-China Relations with a generous gift by founder Arthur Ross.

The Center will conduct original research and educate the American and international public on U.S.-China issues, commenting on and distributing timely information on critical topics and current events. It will also engage key Chinese and American leaders in critical dialogue. The Center is based in New York and works closely with Asia Society Centers and partner with other organizations around the world.

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