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This Author: Noam Chomsky
This Narrator: Noam Chomsky
This Publisher: AK Press

Case Studies in Hypocrisy by Noam Chomsky

Case Studies in Hypocrisy

U.S. Human Rights Policy

by Noam Chomsky


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 40 Min.


With the recent celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights, and America's undisputed position as the world's only superpower, the contrast between the rhetoric and the reality of US foreign policy has never been more stark. With his inimitable penetrating analysis and dry wit, Chomsky leads us through the murky blood-soaked reality of America's New World Order - whether it's NAFTA, GATT, MAI and the World Trade Organization, or our relations with Palestine, Israel, Haiti and China. The second lecture of this two part set focuses on the motives and consequences of US Iraq policy - a continuing (though hardly unique) shining example of murderous hypocrisy at its most lethal.

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