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This Author: Michael Sandel
This Publisher: Harvard University

Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? by Michael Sandel

Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?

by Michael Sandel


Title Details

Running Time
12 Hrs.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 4 ratings
In this complete, 12-lecture video course from Harvard University, Professor Michael Sandel presents his popular course which explores difficult moral dilemmas and how we respond to them. In the first lecture he presents a few complex moral dilemmas and asks his class how they would respond to these conundrums. Through the answers students give he brings into question the assumptions behind their moral reasoning. He briefly addresses the ideas of utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham and tells of a true case which brings into question Bentham's creed of "the greatest good for the greatest number". It seems to be an interesting course and it is being offered totally free from Harvard University on streaming video through YouTube.

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