Says Mortimer J. Adler, "Almost all of the philosophical truths that I have come to know and understand I have learned from Aristotle." In Aristotle for Everybody, Adler sets forth the truths he has learned from Aristotle, stating and explaining them in a manner that is intended to make them easily understood by everyone. Because Aristotle's wisdom and philosophical insights are grounded in the common experience we all possess, and because they illuminate and enrich the common sense we all rely on, this easy-to-listen-to exposition of his thought about the world of nature, about the actions and productions of man, and about the conduct of life, confirms convictions that most of us hold, though we may not always be fully aware of them. Philosophy, Adler maintains, is everybody's business. It deepens our understanding of the knowledge we already have about ourselves, our society, and the world in which we live. Adler thinks that all of us have a human obligation to engage in this effort of understanding and that, with the proper guidance, we will derive great satisfaction from our success in doing it. No better guide than Aristotle can be found.