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This Author: Emily Bronte
This Narrator: Hannah Gordon
This Publisher: CSA Word

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights

by Emily Bronte


Title Details

Running Time
2 Hrs. 23 Min.


The year in 1801. In this section, all the principal characters are introduced. Mr Lockwood, the new tenant of Thrushcross Grange, arrives at Wuthering Height to meet his landlord, Heathcliff. The next day, he encounters Hareton, the orphaned son of Hindley Earnshaw, and Heathcliff’s daughter-in-law, Cathy Linton. During the night, Lockwood is disturbed by the vexed ghost of Cathy’s mother, Catherine - the story’s heroine- at the window. Lockwood’s cries of terror alert Heathcliff and the section ends with a distraught Heathcliff begging his beloved Catherine to return to him.

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