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This Author: Elie Wiesel
This Publisher: Fresh Air Archive

Writer Elie Wiesel on All Rivers Run to the Sea by Elie Wiesel

Writer Elie Wiesel on All Rivers Run to the Sea

by Elie Wiesel

Title Details

Running Time
44 Min.


Writer and Nobel Peace Prize recipient Elie Wiesel. He's the author of over 30 books. Wiesel, a survivor of the Holocaust, is known for his work which bears witness to that tragedy. Wiesel has just published the first volume of his memoirs, All Rivers Run to the Sea. In this book Wiesel writes about his childhood before the war, the horrors of Auschwitz, and his life after the war as a Paris based journalist, and as a New York writer, who struggled with the tragedies of the past, and the commitment to not letting the world forget what happened. The memoir is described by Publishers Weekly as "immensely moving, unforgettable... This haunting, impassioned book will make you cry yet, somehow, leave you renewed, with a cautious hope for humanity's future."

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