With his dark wit and corrosive dialogue, Eric Bogosian tells a powerful story of two lovers who form a mesmerizing and destructive bond while trying to evade the looming failure of their respective lives. Reba runs away from her desolate rural community for the lure of New York City. Her tall and awkward frame lands her work modeling, but she is not prepared for the glamorous, drug-fueled life of a celebrated mannequin. After a series of painful relationships, she sees hope and an exit toward stability in the man who saves her brother's life.
That man is Rick, a successful SoHo general practitioner with an idyllic life that has left him discontented. He doesn't take Reba seriously at first, but soon finds himself so enmeshed in her beauty that he risks losing everything: his home, his children, and his beloved wife.
Wasted Beauty is master monologist Bogosian's enthralling journey through the high life of drugs, fashion celebrity, middle-class guilt, and sexual obsession.