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This Author: Maria Semple
This Publisher: Microsoft Research

Maria Semple on Where'd You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple

Maria Semple on Where'd You Go Bernadette

by Maria Semple


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr.


Maria Semple's new Seattle-based book, Where'd You Go, Bernadette, is a hilarious take on our fair city and all it has to offer 'Craftsman houses, helicopter parents and, of course, the importance of tech in this town. None other than Microsoft plays a big part in this story of Bernadette, a MacArthur Genius Award-winning architect who loathes her adopted city, her husband, Elgin Branch, a brilliant gadget inventor at Microsoft, and their daughter Bee. Semple, a former TV writer talked to us about her book's undeniably important background character tech and the role it plays in her book and Seattle. The everyday details on Microsoft are pretty amazing how did you do the research to get all the information on what working there is like? It all appears very accurate and spot-on. It's one of great compliments that I get now, and I'm just inundated with emails from Microsoft people who love the book and say that I got it exactly right, and they all love it, it's very affectionate. Bernadette has a few quips about Microsoft, but it's very affectionate for people inside Microsoft'people inside Microsoft love Microsoft. I thought that wouldn't be true. I was actually surprised when I went there and everyone was into Microsoft.I thought they'd be like, I wish I worked at Apple. I didn't think they would be that happy, but I felt that was real, and I felt that I must represent that.

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