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The Greatest Speeches of All Time Vol. III by Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Greatest Speeches of All Time Vol. III

by Franklin D. Roosevelt


Title Details


"The Greatest Speeches of All-Time Volume III" is the third in a collection of highlights of the most important and well-known speeches of modern times. These are the dramatic words from world leaders that changed the course of history and inspired millions worldwide.

1. Will Rogers Campaign Rally with FDR - 1932
2. Huey Long Addressing Congressional Staff Members on the "re-distribution of wealth" - December 11, 1943
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Second Inaugural Address - January 20, 1937
4. George S. Patton speaking in Los Angeles for War Bond Support - June 12, 1945
5. John L. Lewis Congressional Testimony on Mining Disaster and calling for ousting of the Secretary of the Interior - April 3, 1947
6. Attorney Joseph Welch, representing the Army, faces off with Sen. Joseph McCarthy - April 22, 1954
7. V.P. Richard Nixon and Nikita Khrushchev inspecting an exhibit of a "modern kitchen" at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow - July 24, 1959
8. Hubert Humphrey addresses farm workers during the Presidential Primary race - March 14, 1960
9. John F. Kennedy speaking to the nation on the introduction of Civil Rights Legislation - June 11, 1963
10. New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller addresses the Republican National Convention - July 14, 1964
11. Robert F. Kennedy at the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City - August 27, 1964
12. U.S. Representative Barbara Jordan speaking during the Impeachment Hearings of Richard Nixon - July 25, 1974
13. President Gerald Ford announcing to the nation a Pardon for Richard Nixon - September 8, 1974
14. Jimmy Carter from the White House addresses the Nation on the growing Energy Crisis - July 15, 1979
15. President Ronald Reagan at the National Association of Evangelicals Convention - March 23, 1983

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