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This Author: Ronald Reagan
This Publisher: American Rhetoric

A Time for Choosing (aka "The Speech") by Ronald Reagan

A Time for Choosing (aka "The Speech")

by Ronald Reagan


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
27 Min.
User Rating
  4.2  Stars Based on 5 ratings
Listen to this famous speech delivered by Ronald Reagan during the 1964 U.S. presidential election campaign on behalf of Republican candidate Barry Goldwater. In the speech Reagan delivers a powerful message against socialism and the expanding influence of the U.S. government in many sectors of American life. He also presents his case for using "peace through strength" to win the Cold War and defend democratic freedom against the expanding communism of the Soviet Union. This speech contains the backbone of Reagan's political philosophy which he carried out as president into the 1980s. The speech is available on MP3 download and streaming audio through American Rhetoric.

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