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This Author: Ken Robinson
This Publisher: Aspen Institute

Sir Ken Robinson on The Element by Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson on The Element

by Ken Robinson


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 15 Min.
After a witty intro, Sir Ken Robinson talks about paradigm shifts in the modern world and how the education system is failing to meet the imaginative demands of life in the 21st century. The idea of going to school and college in order to get a steady, well-paying job which you will hold for the rest of your life is now rarely the case, and the new skills needed in the 21st century, don't necessarily match the narrow focus of any degree. When a majority of people don't particular enjoy their jobs after they've been educated, Robinson feels that the education system is failing to help people find their passion and develop their skills towards meeting their passion in life. He presents ideas on how individuals can educate themselves in order to find not only what they are good at, but what they love to do. Because if people are doing what they love, then they'll never have to work another day in their life.

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