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Truman Capote on Capital Punishment by Truman Capote

Truman Capote on Capital Punishment

by Truman Capote


Title Details


Some of Mr. Capote's suggestions seem more interesting than practical (never let a psychopathic killer out of prison, but never let him know you're not going to let him out), but in the course of researching his book he acquired a deep knowledge of the homicidal mind and the implications for deterrence, punishment, and rehabilitation. "I'd known this boy was a psychopathic murderer, and I had known that if he went back into the prison population that it was inevitable that he would kill somebody again. So, I mean, there he is loose in the prison population still, and, of course, cannot be returned to death row and cannot be executed, having got a commutation. So what is the answer to this problem, where you have compulsive homicidal minds who are incapable of controlling this violence of theirs?"

Episode 112, Recorded on September 3, 1968

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