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This Author: Antonin Scalia
This Publisher: Book TV

Q&A with Antonin Scalia on Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges by Antonin Scalia

Q&A with Antonin Scalia on Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges

by Antonin Scalia


Title Details

Running Time
59 Min.


Justice Scalia talked about his book, Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges, published by Thomson West, which he wrote with Bryan Garner. The book gives advice to lawyers on presenting oral arguments. An audio clip of his interaction with attorney Seth Waxman in Boumediene v. U.S. was played. He also talked about his concern that too many of the "best and brightest" are becoming lawyers to the detriment of other careers such as teaching and engineering. He reacted to video clips of an interview about lawyers from April 1, 1986, and a forum with Nadine Strossen on October 15, 2006. Justice Scalia talked about his recent appearance on "60 Minutes" and why he is doing more media interviews as footage of the show was shown in the background. He also reacted to a clip of "The Daily Show" about the interview. Justice Scalia talked about his family of 9 children and 28 grandchildren. Video clips about his family were shown from his 1986 confirmation hearing. The interview was recorded at the U.S. Supreme Court. His formal portrait was displayed.

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