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Harvard Extension School's Computer Science E-259 Podcast by David J. Malan

Harvard Extension School's Computer Science E-259 Podcast

XML with J2EE

by David J. Malan

Title Details

Running Time
3 Min.
User Rating
  3.5  Stars Based on 1 rating


Computer Science E-259: XML with J2EE is a course offered each spring at Harvard University's Extension School. It is part of the school's Distance Education Program, which means that students can take this course via the Internet. This course introduces XML as a key, enabling technology in Java-based enterprise applications. Students learn the fundamentals of XML and its derivatives, including DTD, SVG, XForms, XInclude, XLink, XPointer, XML Base, XML Encryption, XML Key Management, XML Namespaces, XML Schema, XML Signature, XPath, XPointer, XQuery, XSL-FO, and XSLT. Additionally, students gain experience with programmatic interfaces to XML like SAX and DOM as well as with standard APIs like JAXP and TrAX. The course introduces JavaServer Pages and Java Servlet, and explores HTTP, SOAP, Web Services, UDDI, and WSDL. The course's projects focus on the implementation and deployment of these technologies.

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