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This Author: Radhanath Swami
This Publisher: Google Talks

Radhanath Swami on Influence Without Affluence by Radhanath Swami

Radhanath Swami on Influence Without Affluence

by Radhanath Swami


Title Details

Running Time
59 Min.


Growth in corporate ladder levels is directly based on how much one is able to influence and impact the products and lead the industry. Achieving influence is hard. Even harder is sustaining such influence. History shows that even highly influential people -- be they Presidents, sports stars, CEOs, religious leaders -- could fail over time. This suggests that the ability to influence is not merely an external skill or a one-off tactics to achieve some immediate result. Rather it is a long-term investment in one's own integrity and a conscious effort to build a credible network through which effective influence can be achieved -- and more importantly, sustained. In this talk, Radhanath Swami will share insights from his 25 years of experience working with thousands of IIT (Indian Institute of Technology), Harvard, Princeton, MIT and Oxford University graduates, corporate leaders and medical professionals to build large-scale community projects in India solely based on the merits of his integrity and authenticity.

About the Author: Radhanath Swami is a spiritual and humanitarian leader, author and a public speaker. As a countercultural American teenager, he left a promising career behind and hitchhiked all the way across the world. Convinced from his world travels that the fundamental problems of the society are simply caused by basic human frailties irrespective of race, nationality, sex or economic status, he decided to dedicate his life to the exploration of solutions to the world's problems through advancement of human consciousness.

Results? With no bank account nor a single penny to his name, Radhanath Swami, together with his highly-energetic team of professionals, has built a visionary hospital in Mumbai that provides low-cost and free holistic healthcare, a midday meal program that feeds 1.2 million meals a day for students, an eco-village, an orphanage for underprivileged children, a children's school that provides holistic education in a loving and fun atmosphere, free eye camps that have removed cataract for 40,000 patients to date, and an hospice for terminally ill patients. ??He travels all over the world guiding and mentoring many entrepreneurs and business leaders.

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